Pro-Lifers Face Grim Reality Two Years Post-Roe
Because the Dobbs decision failed to extend equal protection under the law for the unborn, there are more abortions taking place now than when Roe v Wade still stood.

Equal Protection Resolution Started a Much-Needed Conversation Within the NDGOP
With the help of pro-life organizations, a resolution in support of equal protection under the law for the unborn failed to pass at the 2024 NDGOP State Convention. However, the resolution succeeded in spurring on a much-needed conversation within the Republican Party regarding one of its most important platform pillars.

Become an Abolitionist and Let the Republican Pro-Life Movement Die
It’s time to stop regulating abortion and instead establish equal justice under the law for the unborn.

A Response to “Pro-life” Arguments Against Equal Protection for the Unborn
We cannot achieve equality in the womb without extending equal justice under the law for the unborn.

Wondering what to read next? We’ve got you covered. 📚
In the span of one year, the average American spends 608 hours on social media and 1642 hours watching TV. Let’s take those 2250 wasted hours and improve our minds and mental health by rediscovering a love of reading and gaining knowledge.

Debate Between NDCAN Executive Director and Tennessee State Senator
Hosted by Divided We Fall

The Groomers in Big Education are Revealing Themselves.
The public support for Fargo Superintendent’s anti-parental rights stance is fortunately shining a much needed light on the many other ideological groomers in Big Education and beyond.

Open Letter to Gov. Burgum & the ND State Legislature
HB 1082 regarding Central Bank Digital Currency was unfortunately signed into law. NDCAN responds.

ND Representatives Debate Gender Related Medical Intervention for Minors
North Dakota is one step closer to protecting minors from gender related medical intervention.

Fund Students, Not Systems
There’s never been more public support for the concept of funding students rather than funding a broken system. It’s time for North Dakota to join the school choice revolution.

Can Public Health Be Trusted?
Recently, the ND Department of Health released a statement regarding its order of 5,700 pediatric COVID-19 vaccines based on the CDC’s recommendation and the FDA’s emergency approval of the injection for children under 5 years old.

Post Roe: Should states decide?
We must continue to build a culture of life after the reversal of Roe, but if the pro-life movement contends that the unborn are human beings, why wouldn’t we advocate for their constitutional right to life as outlined in the 14th Amendment?

Pride’s Predatory Origin
Why is there a dramatic increase in the number of young people identifying as transgender or non-binary? The reasons are many, but there are two men - Alfred Kinsey and John Money - who deserve much credit for our current fixation on gender.

What’s going on in the ND Republican Party?
The 2022 NDGOP State Convention that took place on April 2nd was the largest in ND history with 2,321 delegates in attendance.

UND’s Gender Policy
UND is considering joining with the universities across the country that are enforcing Leftist worldviews and philosophies by instituting a radical gender inclusion policy that would, among other things, censor freedom of thought and speech of students and faculty.

Abortion, Transgenderism, and Masks: Why Restoring a Respect for Life Matters
Restoring a culture of respect for the inherent worth of every individual is essential to solving our country’s greatest challenges.

A ND Business’s Appeal For A Ban On Vaccine Mandates
Leftists are aided by America’s biggest businesses, many of whom are already requiring proof of vaccination to retain or gain employment. Vaccine mandates are the American Marxists’ equivalent to the Chinese social credit score.