Can Public Health Be Trusted?

Recently, the ND Department of Health released a statement regarding its order of 5,700 pediatric COVID-19 vaccines based on the CDC’s recommendation and the FDA’s emergency approval of the injection for children under 5 years old. NDDoH assures the public that “COVID-19 vaccines have undergone – and will continue to undergo – the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history.” That’s a bold statement considering that the global vaccination campaign began a mere 8 months after clinical trials began and is still at least 3 years away from reaching the safety standards of previous vaccine trials. According to Johns Hopkins University:

A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, to complete the regulatory approval processes, and to manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.”

Unfortunately, the lack of long-term safety data is far from the only concern associated with this experimental injection. Within a year of widespread vaccination, over 1000 articles and studies appeared in peer-reviewed scientific journals describing serious and deadly side effects from the COVID-19 injections. The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Report (VAERS) shows an explosion of vaccine-related deaths in 2021 - the year the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced. Astronomical increases in numerous medical diagnoses within the military appeared in 2021 including a 269% increase in myocardial infarction and a 467% increase in pulmonary embolisms. Three brave military doctors signed a sworn affidavit attesting to their professional opinion that the unnatural increase in medical diagnoses was due to mass vaccination and that it correlated with their clinical experience in treating patients.

Independent scientists and doctors have long been sounding the alarm on the global push for mass vaccination, particularly in younger populations. At least one public health official has now joined their ranks. Florida State Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, explained his recommendation against COVID-19 vaccines for children under 5 in a recent letter responding to a politically-motivated press release.

There are no data that prove this vaccine is more effective than the placebo in reducing severe illness and other clinically meaningful outcomes in this age group. There is also inadequate data regarding the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine. A recent pre-print study shows a higher risk of serious adverse events of special interest in the treatment group versus the placebo group in adults, for example. Additionally, since the release of the COVID-19 vaccines, studies continue to show a risk of myocarditis and pericarditis across several age groups, especially in adolescents and young men.”

While Florida is the only state in the nation that declined to preorder pediatric COVID-19 vaccines, instead allowing providers to order the vaccines directly for patients that request them, leaders in other states have expressed their concerns. Texas and Tennessee legislators have written letters to their governors requesting that their respective Departments of Health halt distribution and promotion of COVID-19 vaccines to children under 4 years old. Some of the concerns raised:

  • Why did one-third of the children in the FDA’s authorization trial fail to complete the trial? Was their data thrown out to fit a pre-determined conclusion?

  • Why was approval given when the manufacturer’s own studies showed zero benefit for children?

  • Why did the trial ignore children who had already contracted COVID-19?

  • Why was there no evidence that the chance of hospitalization and death was lowered for a child who had already contracted COVID-19 and then received the vaccine?

  • Why was “immuno-bridging” used to apply data from young adults to children aged six to twenty-three months?

  • Why did the trial show no reduction in severe illness, but instead showed as much as a 30% increased chance of contracting COVID-19 after the first dose?

NDDoH encourages parents to discuss the risks and benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine with their child’s doctor. However, we are years away from being able to determine if the benefits outweigh the risks. Currently, the bulk of evidence points to all risk, no benefit. In addition, how can citizens be sure their doctor has the freedom to speak freely regarding COVID-19 vaccines and treatment after the widespread censorship of scientific discourse over the last two years? Healthcare providers across the country have not only lost their job for daring to question or refute the government’s guidelines, they have lost their license to practice medicine due to aggressive pursual by state boards and professional associations. Unfortunately, many doctors have chosen to outsource their intelligence and expertise to incompetent and politically-motivated bureaucratic institutions, either because they trust the government narrative or because the corporation for which they work gives them no other option than to fall in line. This has led to a catastrophic breakdown in trust between doctor and patient because it’s impossible to know if the medical advice being given is state propaganda or an honest professional opinion informed by experience, expertise, and common sense.

Even with all of the significant safety concerns associated with this vaccine, access should not be denied to those who want to receive it. However, knowing there have been a number of fully-approved vaccines that were pulled from the market even after extensive long-term testing due to unexpected safety issues, how can the NDDoH unreservedly recommend the COVID-19 vaccine for anyone, much less babies and young children who are not statistically at risk for this virus? Will the NDDoH continue to ignore the mountain of peer-reviewed research that suggests we proceed with extreme caution or will they continue to outsource their responsibility to assess scientific data on behalf of North Dakotans to corrupt federal institutions with zero accountability?

-Amber Vibeto, Executive Director


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