You can make a positive difference in North Dakota policy and culture.

When looking to make an impact within the political landscape, conservatives typically focus on national parties, politicians, and organizations with the goal of winning federal legislative victories, Supreme Court cases, and presidential elections.   Unfortunately, most elected politicians continue to disappoint voters with their apathy, political ambition, and/or a refusal to oppose progressive policies.  

Clearly, a purely national focus and ‘top down’ approach isn’t working.  It’s time to  embrace localism and grassroots efforts in order to empower citizens in their respective states to battle an out-of-control federal government, cultural Marxism and authoritarian globalist initiatives at the local level.

It’s time to realize that our source of power to implement positive change lies in individual knowledge, local engagement, and focused efforts within our state legislature.  

North Dakota can lead the way in restoring America. 

During legislative sessions, NDCAN keeps you informed on bills that have a significant impact on family, faith, and freedom, and makes it easy to correspond with state legislators in a constructive and respectful dialogue.

Worth fighting for.

Our Nation’s Foundation

By preserving the framework that formed the foundation of America’s success and that bestowed on us our individual rights, we have the hope of passing the torch of freedom on to future generations.  

Self-Evident Truths

Moral relativism is an existential threat to liberty.  Absolute truths exist and must be defended if we are to enjoy a free and healthy society.  

Unalienable Rights

We are endowed by our Creator with certain inherent rights.  Our individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness do not come from government, and therefore, cannot be unduly infringed upon.

Sanctity of Life

Restoring a culture of respect for the sacredness of life is essential to solving our country’s greatest challenges.  Honoring the dignity and inherent worth of every individual is fundamental to preserving a stable civil society.  

Limited Government

Unconstrained and centralized government leads to concentrations of coercive power.  Constitutionally limited government protects individual liberty and ensures the power of the government to intervene in the lives and activities of the people is restricted.


Intact families are the building blocks of society and contribute to greater social stability and less poverty. Strong families lead to strong communities, and strong communities lead to a strong society. 

“What we need is not more federal government, but better local government.”

— President Calvin Coolidge