HB 1373

Relating to equal protection under the law for pre-born persons

Click here for complete information on HB 1373, including updates, hearings, and testimony submission.

What will this bill do?

  • Extends equal protection under the law to pre-born persons in the areas of homicide, assault, and civil wrongful death

  • Adds the following definitions to three separate chapters within ND Century Code (12.1-16, 12.1-17, 32-21)

    • “Human being” includes an unborn child

    • “Unborn child” means an individual living human child before birth from the beginning of biological development at the moment of fertilization upon the fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum

Why is this bill needed?

  • To bring our state laws regarding the purposeful death of pre-born babies into compliance with the 14th Amendment which states in part: Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    • State laws that allow any person to fatally poison or dismember pre-born persons are in violation of the 14th Amendment and God’s Word. No state has the authority to deny equal protection under the law to pre-born persons in any stage of development, not even in cases of rape or incest. In addition, no state has the authority to grant blanket legal immunity upon certain classes of people (pregnant women) to deprive other classes of people (pre-born children) their right to life. According to our Constitution, we do not criminalize groups of people, we criminalize behavior.

  • To protect the lives of the most vulnerable and discriminated among us - pre-born human beings.

  • To extend the same laws that protect born people from murder, assault, and wrongful death to pre-born people.

  • Abortion numbers are increasing, even in “abortion-free” states, due to the rise of self-managed abortions done in homes rather than in a clinic.

  • To shore up our defense against a looming ballot initiative that will codify a right to abortion into our state constitution. The only argument against adding the right to abortion into North Dakota’s constitution is that it violates a higher law: the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. If pro-lifers choose to violate the Constitution within state law due to political pragmatism or false compassion/misguided emotions, then they will have no leg to stand on when it comes time to argue against the so-called constitutional right to abortion.

    Those who oppose equal protection under the law for pre-born persons either believe that the fetus is not a person or they support violating the U.S. Constitution and God’s Law.


Equal Protection and the Unborn Child: A Dobb’s Brief

Yes, North Dakota’s Pro-Life Law Was Unconstitutional: But not for the reason given by Judge Romanick - NDCAN

Abortion Numbers Have Increased, Even in Pro-Life States - Foundation to Abolish Abortion

Common Objections to Equal Protection - End Abortion Now

A Biblical Alternative to the Pro-Life Movement

Take a minute to fill out a short survey to let us know how you can help abolish abortion in ND.

  • Become an Abolitionist & Let the Republican Pro-Life Movement Die

    It’s time to stop regulating child sacrifice
    and abolish it for good.

  • Yes, North Dakota's Pro-Life Law Was Unconstitutional

    But not for the reason given by Judge Romanick.

  • A Response to “Pro-life” Arguments Against Equal Protection for the Unborn

    We cannot achieve equality in the womb without extending equal justice under the law for the unborn.

  • Equal Protection Resolution Started a Much-Needed Conversation within the NDGOP

    A resolution in support of equal protection under the law for the unborn failed to pass at the 2024 NDGOP State Convention. 

  • Pro-Lifers Face Grim Reality Two Years Post-Roe

    Because the Dobbs decision failed to extend equal protection under the law for the unborn, there are more abortions taking place now than when Roe v Wade still stood.

The Fatal Flaw: Lies, Laws, and Pro-Life Deception

This is The Fatal Flaw. This is a film and exposé that demonstrates the real reason abortion is still legal in the United States during and after Roe v. Wade. The Pro-life movement claims to believe that they believe that what is in the womb is fully human and worthy of protection. However, they do not believe that the child deserves equal protection. In this film, you will learn why they have worked to stop the abolition of abortion. You will hear it yourself. From their own mouths with confidence. They don't believe what the Christian Church believes about the issue. It isn't a difference in strategy. It's a different worldview. It's a different desired outcome. Get ready to see for yourself.

“Abortion Free” Docuseries

A docuseries presented by Foundation to Abolish Abortion and Rescue Those. Now that Roe v. Wade is gone, abortion clinics have closed in many states. Pro-Life headlines announce these states are “abortion-free” and celebrate it as a massive victory. Megan wants to know if the headlines are true. Come with her to find out.