Senate Bill 2212
relating to carbon capture and eminent domain
What will this bill do?
Prohibit the use of eminent domain to construct carbon-capture pipelines in North Dakota.
Read the bill.
Why is this bill needed?
Summit Carbon Solutions is pushing for carbon dioxide pipelines for capture operations in the upper Midwest and Dakotas.
Carbon capture in North Dakota is a top priority initiative for Governor Doug Burgum. His goal to be a carbon-neutral state by 2030 is based on the false premise of the climate change agenda.
State public service commissions or utilities boards will likely grant carbon capture companies eminent domain to confiscate land (with compensation) to construct their pipelines along proposed routes.
Protecting private property rights of landowners might be the only thing that can save North Dakota from the scam of carbon capture.
What is the current status of this bill?
SB 2212 failed on the floor of the Senate on February 16th and will not be considered further.
Republicans must stop accepting the premise of the carbon/climate fascism agenda
Landowners fight back against latest green energy scam: ‘Carbon capture’ pipelines