House Bill 1181

Relating to gender language in law

What will this bill do?

  • Clarify that the words used to reference an individual's sex, gender, gender identity, or gender expression, mean the individual's determined sex at birth, male or female.

  • If sex, gender, gender identity, or gender expression is contested, determination is established by the individual's DNA.

  • This section applies to all policies, records, forms, rules, standards, procedures, guides, materials, instruction, training, correspondence, advertising, or marketing used by any entity receiving state funding, including a public school, an institution under the control of the state board of higher education, and a state agency or office.

Why is this bill needed?

  • Gender activists have been pushing for “gender inclusive language” in law and policy which leads to inaccurate information and a rejection of reality, and pushes the false narrative that sex and gender are two different concepts.

  • A person’s sex is a biological reality that cannot be changed.

  • The state has an obligation to ensure the accuracy of language used in law, policy, and vital records. Legal language should reflect accurate information that is rooted in facts, not subjective self-perception or ideology.

Click here for complete information on HB 1181, including updates, hearings, and testimony submission.

  • Bill hearing was held by the House Human Services Committee in the Pioneer Room on January 21st at 9:00AM.

  • Contact committee members and ask for a do pass recommendation for HB 1181. Click here before you do to make sure the committee hasn’t yet made their decision.


The following resources provide further information and context regarding the need for HB 1181.