House Bill 1108

Relating to international climate control regulations

What will this bill do?

  • Prohibit International climate control regulations from being enforced in the state of North Dakota.

    Read the bill.

Why is this bill needed?

  • There is a global threat…but it’s not climate change. It’s called The Great Reset. The Great Reset refers to the agenda proposed by the World Economic Forum in 2020 urging leaders to take advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to restructure the "world order" to bring about a leftist Utopia. A major aspect of this vision is encouraging world leaders to force their citizens into compliance with climate change agendas and strive towards "zero-net emissions." This agenda will come at the cost of individual liberty and livelihoods, and will bring about poverty, food insecurity, and the end of reliable energy.

What is the current status of the bill?

HB 1108 was signed into law on March 22nd.


What is the Great Reset?

Reject Net Zero, Embrace Energy Freedom

In their own words