House Concurrent Resolution 3010

A resolution urging public schools and public entities, including agencies or departments that collect vital statistics, to protect women's rights by distinguishing between the sexes according to biological sex at birth for the purpose of providing equal opportunities and ensuring the privacy and safety of women and girls.

What is the purpose of this resolution?

  • To urge public schools and public entities, including agencies or departments that collect vital statistics, to protect women's rights by distinguishing between the sexes according to biological sex at birth for the purpose of providing equal opportunities and ensuring the privacy and safety of women and girls.

    Read the resolution here.

Why is this resolution needed?

  • States are adopting polices that accommodate gender identity over the objectively true sex binary. This puts the most vulnerable citizens at risk and increases the very real dangers and disadvantages women face.

  • If the Equality Act, championed by President Biden in his State of the Union speech, passes, it would spell the end of sex-based protections in all aspects of public life. Males posing as females would have the right to compete and dominate in girls sports. It would require doctors, against their will, to perform sex-sterilization surgeries on healthy people in the. name of “gender-affirming care”. Gender identity would replace biological sex when it comes to workplace policies, bathroom access, military drafts for combat, and more. Women and children would bear the brunt of these policies.

  • The Gender Ideology movement is imperialistic in nature, meaning it will continue to spread until it dominates every law and policy in every state. It’s time for North Dakota to play offense - not defense - against this destructive cult. This resolution is a step in that direction.

What is the difference between a bill and a resolution?

Concurrent resolutions are used to express the sentiments of legislators, but in a non-binding way as it does not have the force of law. HCR 3010 is a recognition that women’s rights are being threatened by predatory gender polices being implemented in other states and at the federal level. A resolution is typically easier to pass and can potentially lead the way to future law because of the formal stance of the legislative body on that particular issue.

What is the current status of the resolution?

HCR 3010 passed both chambers. Resolutions are not signed by the Governor.