Responding to the transgender movement

What can citizens do?

Live not by lies. - Soviet dissident, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Former post-communist Czechoslovakian president, Vaclav Havel, noted, “A person who lives only for his own comfort and survival and who is willing to live within a lie to protect that is a demoralized person.” Demoralized people create societies built on lies. This leads to all manner of evil where the most vulnerable among us are particularly targeted. The solution is for individuals to live outside the mainstream culture by courageously defending truth and being willing to suffer the consequences of doing so.

Support the Women’s Bill of Rights.

Stand for truth, stand for science, stand for common sense. Stand for the hard-won rights, privacy, and protection of women and girls. Sign and share with others today.

Join the global movement for Children’s Rights.

Them Before Us is giving children a voice in the debate over family structure. Join their efforts and learn why children’s rights should trump adults’ feelings.

Get involved in your state’s legislative session.

The Biden Administration is pushing radical gender ideology by its recommendation to change key components of Title IV. Under the proposed change, hard-won sex-based rights would be obliterated, putting the safety and privacy of females at significant risk. Fortunately, states are pushing back. Legislators need to hear from their constituents on this issue. They need to know that they have the support to take on the federal government and powerful institutions and their lobbyists. Sign up for NDCAN’s emails to receive calls to action during North Dakota’s legislative session as well as important updates and event announcements.

Cultivate critical thinking skills.

Become curious where worldviews originate. Why do you believe what you believe? What is the foundation of your worldview? How do you discern what is truth?

Reject the mantra, “Live and let live”.

Know what you believe and advocate for it. There is no neutrality in this world. The Left is imperialistic in nature, and is doggedly determined to spread the religion of secular progressivism in every area of society and in every individual. We see its fruit in the sexual and psychological exploitation of children. In the breakdown of the family. In the horrendous student proficiency scores and sky-high illiteracy courtesy of our public education system. In the skyrocketing crime in every major American city. In the purposeful destruction of reliable energy sources. Know that the Left is working overtime to create the society that they want to live in. Are conservatives doing the same?

Love your neighbor by telling them the truth.

A good friend doesn’t look the other way or keep quiet when someone they care about is leading their child down a destructive path, even if it is being done with the best of intentions. Parents are under enormous pressure to transition their struggling son or daughter and are emotionally blackmailed with the lie that their child will take their own life if they are not allowed to become the opposite sex. Speak truth with compassion into a confusing and stressful situation, and give visible, active support as parents go up against powerful institutions in order to advocate for their child.


Advocates Protecting Children

Gender Resource Guide

Them Before Us