The Most Pro-Life President That Never Was

It’s time to acknowledge that Donald Trump is not pro-life and never has been.  It’s now clear that he simply told evangelicals what they wanted to hear for his own political gain and popularity among dedicated supporters.  The Dobbs decision partially corrected a monumentally bad ruling, but letting the states decide is NOT a pro-life position.  It is pro-choice.  When Roe was overturned, the Supreme Court should have recognized the humanity of the pre-born and ruled abortion unconstitutional per the 14th Amendment.  The unalienable right to life should never be left up to popular vote or legislative action. But after 50 years of pro-life establishment compromise and lack of foresight, that is where we find ourselves today.  Florida, Missouri, South Dakota, Arizona, and Montana have murder on the ballot this November.  If these measures pass, the right to murder pre-born babies through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason whatsoever will be enshrined within their respective state constitutions.  The American Holocaust of 63 million - and counting - slaughtered innocents is an evil far beyond what anyone can fully comprehend, but if the abortion industry succeeds in passing these ballot measures,  we haven’t seen anything yet. If the current anti-life momentum continues, it is likely that we are only just beginning the bloodiest stage in our battle for justice.

At this moment, Donald Trump will not commit to voting against Amendment 4 in his home state of Florida.  When asked about it, he said that Florida’s 6-week ban is “too short”, indicating that he may vote in favor of enshrining the right to abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy.

He has also come out and promised to force either taxpayers or insurance companies to pay for IVF treatments because he “wants more babies”.  If he truly wants more babies, he should help us abolish abortion and reform the IVF industry.  93% of embryos created using IVF are discarded for eugenic purposes, frozen indefinitely, miscarried, or used for scientific research. 100% of babies aborted die.

Trump is clearly trying to win an election by moving to the Left on abortion, but it is a serious miscalculation.  Is he gaining more pro-abortion voters than the pro-life voters that he is losing? Time will tell, but he is certainly succeeding in alienating and demoralizing his evangelical base when his campaign can’t afford any unforced errors. Fortunately, there is still time to influence Donald Trump. He needs to hear from his base, and he needs to know that there are certain lines that he can cross that will sever his support from conservatives, particularly on the issue of abortion. Above all, he needs to experience an intellectual and moral awakening to truly understand why abortion should be illegal in all cases and in all stages of pregnancy.

Electing a president has always been a choice between the lesser of two evils.  Trump’s immoral and illogical position on abortion is drastically narrowing that chasm between himself and Harris.  Americans are now faced with a choice between Communism plus unfettered abortion access OR a chance at defeating Communism but also with unfettered abortion access and taxpayer funding of IVF.

May God grant us wisdom and may He have mercy on our nation.


Advocating for conservative values in policy and culture

Yes, North Dakota’s Pro-Life Law Was Unconstitutional: But not for the reason given by Judge Romanick


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